Relaxing Playdate at Hua Hin Swiss Sheep Farm

Welcome everybody!! (Source: IG @naomiahana)
When you live in big city like Jakarta or Bangkok where people bustles and unstoppable cars’ honking, it will be very easy to get stress. Recreational places in a big city do not help much either. It usually consists of shopping malls and crowded café only, though what you need is tranquil place. When Thailand Tourism Board & Yuk Makan invited me to came to Hua Hin Swiss Sheep Farm, I did not expect I would be so relaxed.  Instead, I underestimated it because it was not as famous as its neighbor, Santorini Park.  But, what I’ve found here was an absolute relaxation to my mind, body and soul. Let me take you to a place where you can unwind, relax, yet still playing fun. Let’s go!
So Cute I Could Die Pony (Source: IG @nonahana)
Essentially, you need to buy a 120 THB ticket at the front gate. As you enter, there is a  flowery tunnel with farm views at your right hand side. One little horse greeted us cheerfully. He was a beautiful creature with long thick hair and he was utterly friendly! I started to giggle because this place offered so much fun already! Where else do they have a greeter horse? Seeing so much green landscape has indulged my view already.

We walked through the yard. On the left hand side, you could see a graveyard with stone. I was terrified until I see it closer.  The stones have cute animal pictures on it. The first part of the venue copies the Walking Dead scene with mannequin zombies, Jack doll from the Night before Christmas, and other lovely monsters. It brought back soothing memories about my childhood.
We continued toward the sheep cage. I can see why they named the farm that way! The sheeps are freakingly adorable! It has a long wool fur, with white and a hint of black spots. The baby sheep was too cute to handle. You can pet them by buying a bottle of milk as cheap as 20THB. If you imagine the bad smells of sheep, you are totally wrong. They do not smell bad at all. I wonder do they take shower everyday? Petting these cute babies revealed the animal-loving side of me which loosen my stress.
Too Cute To Handle (Source: IG @naomiahana)
After a while on sheep cages, we passed by the rock bridge. The bridge was overlooking the giant statue of ‘Swiss Sheep Farm’ with a beautiful windmill that reminded me of Holland. The background, beautiful mountain of Cha Am, did its favour to make a picture-perfect day!
Eventually, we arrived at my most favourite part: the beautiful European building with 3D trick arts museum inside! The 3D museum is a bit small, but it has 2 floors with unique art. There should be a compulsory picture with wings on it, obviously, so you can pretend to be a fallen angel. It also has Monalisa dries her hair painting, flying giant doughnut picture, Pisa tower, and my favourite is the Flamenco dancer. After you finish with the 3D things, you can step outside. Oh man, it is fascinating! The art deco will transport you to Spain and the end of the alley is written ‘Guggenheim Museum’. The cute building makes me forgot my fatigue from strolling around Santorini Park earlier.

The rest of the Farm is very lovely too. There are chicken heaven, goat garden with unique playing park, rabbit town and catchy souvenirs shop with giant teddy bears. Do not forget to take picture with gigantic scarecrow at the yard! This is definitely a relaxing place which is not only enjoyable for you, but also for those who bring their family out. Children can learn how to nurture the love for environment and animals by giving milk bottle to sheep, milking the cow, catch the rabbit or even pony riding. Meanwhile, you can forget your stress and untighten a bit. I was grateful to visit such an unique place in Asia. So, will you go with me again for a relaxing playdate next time?


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  1. Seru seru.. apalagi pas naik ayunan disana ya, pasti jadi ngantuk ya hehehehe

    1. Seru yah Cae! Tapi kemaren aku didorongnya kenceng beneer jadi takut jatuuuh haha :D

  2. Seru nih, cuma kok beberapa objek fotonya ada yang agak creepy ya, hehehe...

    1. Iya Mbak seru sekalii, agak creepy karena temanya horor horor gitu yak 😅 Thank you sudah mampir :)

  3. Whoaaah, what a nice trip you have. foto-fotonya juga bagus, pake editan gak?

    Salam kenal ya sis, ditunggu kunjungan baliknya.

    1. Foto asli donk sis hehe gak diedit sama sekali :) emang tempatnya lucuu.. Salam kenal jugaa. Siap aku main main ;D

  4. Sebuah perjalanan yang menyenangkan dan seru. Ketempat-tempat yang menarik dan berkesan. Yang foto di dekat lukisan gede, keren banget lukisannya. hehehe

    1. thank you Mas :) sakam kenal yaa! Iyaa lukisannya kece kece sampai mau foto semua hehe

  5. asli tempatnya keren banget dan banyak sekali spot foto yang bagus..
